Python Day 49 – finishing my SQL practice problems

It took me less than 2 minutes from sitting down at my computer to solve the practice problem that had completely stumped me yesterday. I guess time does heal all wounds :’) I learned: In general in SQL, but especially when joining two tables, the ordering of commands matters. The main issues I was runningContinue reading “Python Day 49 – finishing my SQL practice problems”

Python Day 48 – the roller coaster of SQL

I started off the day very frustrated. The smallest syntax errors were messing me up. I learned the hard way to always put a comma after SELECTing a category in SQL, and to make sure to put a backslash if I’m separating lines. After these initial frustrations I was almost ready to put the computerContinue reading “Python Day 48 – the roller coaster of SQL”

Python Day 47 – oof

Today was a day of frustration. Mostly conceptual frustration. Before we get to that though. I did learn some stuff… I learned: In SQLite one can ORDER BY category_name DESC to order the data by that category. One can also JOIN tables together. There are three types of joining: INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and OUTERContinue reading “Python Day 47 – oof”

Python Day 45 – progress on SQL!

Today I didn’t think I’d get much done but I actually felt like I understood the bare basics of SQL! I learned: Use * to select all columns from the data. To use a pandas dataframe use the .read_sql() function. I also learned the basics of SELECT, FROM, and conditional statements (for instance how toContinue reading “Python Day 45 – progress on SQL!”